Manifest Your Greatness, so Get Up!

Manifesting your greatness is about tapping into your full potential and bringing forth the best version of yourself in every aspect of your life. It involves recognizing and embracing your unique strengths, talents, and passions, and channeling them towards achieving your goals and aspirations.

The question becomes:

Why are you in the same place? - You don’t need permission, you need courage!

Why are you wondering? - God has a plan for your life!

Why are you blaming others? - You can’t control others, but you can control your response, and that is to move past the offense of others.

Why are you blaming your past mistakes? - God has forgiven you, so forgive yourself and learn from the mistakes.

Why are you feeling sorry for yourself? - God’s grace is sufficient, so look up!

I hope these questions stir up an agitation in you to examine your life and decide that enough is enough! Myles Munroe once stated, until you get tired and agitated by your situation then you’ll do something.

Why do some live life and others create the life they desire to live. It boils down to:

1.      Hungry – how hungry are you to fulfill your purpose? Do you rise daily seeking to live a purposeful life or do you just go through your daily mundane routine. Regardless of your current state in life it’s time to turn up your appetite for something more. You were created for more. The more is when you discover and fulfill your purpose.

2.      G.P.E. (Goal, Plan and Execute) – Your goals must align with your purpose or what is called your why! You must write out your goals, create a plan of how you will achieve your goals and then execute the plan. Many write out goals but neglect to create a plan. The plan is your compass that will guide you. Most importantly you must execute the plan.

3.      Refuse to Quit - when life throws you a curve ball, quitting seems like the best option, but this is why all the more you must not quit. You have to look at yourself in the mirror with grit, determination and resilience and make a conscious decision you will not throw in the towel. Success happens when you keep going and pushing forward.

In closing it’s time to get up and manifest your greatness!

You have what it Takes

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you

become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar


If you have a dream or goal and you often wonder if you have what it takes to achieve such a goal or dream, then examine your life for these five principles enclosed in this blog. What I have learned from individuals that have achieved their goals is that they continue to reach higher heights, there are some commonalities they share. The first principle is work ethics. Mark Cuban states, success is "Not about money or connections, it's the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone." You must have strong work ethics. You must learn the value of hard work and dedication to achieving your goal. The question is are you willing to put in the grind and time of working early in the morning, late at night, and even when others are watching television? During this time, you should be putting in the time working on your goals. Therefore, the first indicator if you have what it takes is your work ethics. The second principle is, are you willing to master your craft? You must be willing to be taught and learn everything about your craft. If you are going to achieve your goal, what is your competency level in that specific area? If you are not competent and have enough knowledge to where people are willing to respect you in that particular area, then you will be challenged to achieve at a high level. For example, if you have a goal of being a financial advisor, are you learning all the ends and outs of being a financial advisor? What courses have you taken, what books are you reading, and do you have a mentor or coach investing time to work with you? Thirdly, are you discontented with what you are doing at your job? You know that there is more inside of you. You feel like an eagle in a bird’s cage in which you can’t spread your wings. Your current situation is too small for your mindset and innate abilities. You feel stifled and underutilized. Then, you must turn this discontentment into motivation to steer you in the direction of working on your goals and making things happen. Use this discontentment to create your own bridge across the water. You build your own platform, and you create your own opportunities. You must not wait for someone else to recognize you, you silently work on your goal. If this is you then you have what it takes because your discontentment is the fuel you need to move out and forge ahead. Fourth, is courage. If you have courage to step out of the boat of your comfort zone then you have what it takes. Courage is believing in God and your God given ability. It’s courage to stay the course through the vicissitudes of achieving your dream. Fifth and finally, it’s patience through the process. If you are consistently patient in pursuing your dream you will achieve it. Remember what John Heywood stated, “Rome was not built in a day but they were laying bricks every hour.” If you understand that you must be consistent and lay your bricks day by day, you will chip away at your goals over time. Therefore, if you learn to be consistent even when nothing is happening you have what it takes. In conclusion, you have what it takes if you resonate with these five principles, thus, what are you waiting on, it’s time to get started!

"The Power of Giving"

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more,

but those giving more.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr.


“The Power of giving, is greater than the joy of receiving.”

Norbert Harms


The power of giving is one of life’s most transformative acts. When you possess a heart to give to others with the pure and genuine intent of supporting and aiding those in need, you will experience immeasurable joy. To give is to receive! According to the article by Darkness to Light “The power of giving comes out of giving from your heart—not because you have a lot of money or time to give but because the cause is simply important to you. When you spend your time or treasure on giving to a worthy cause you receive so much more in return.”

First, you must give out of a heart of compassion and kindness as opposed to giving to be seen or expecting something in return. Giving is a way of lifting your spirit as you give. Second, giving is a way of bonding and connecting with others. You give to support the greater good of a cause. You become a part of something greater than yourself. Thirdly, giving can serve as a healing ointment. For example, if you’re recently divorced or just ended a long-term relationship, find a way to give to someone by volunteering at your local church, ministry or community/civic organization. Spend time at a local food bank by spending a couple of hours serving meals or stocking shelves. The point is that you’ll spend a couple of hours helping someone else and as you are giving, you’ll find a sense of healing and fulfilling.

You don’t have to give out of your hurt but give for the sake of giving to see that others may experience some relief in their situation. According to Associate Professor Patrick Stokes, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, “being generous – everything from giving someone directions to helping a friend move house – activates the part of the brain that makes you feel pleasure. Plus, it releases a hormone called oxytocin that helps mediate social interactions and emotion – the higher your oxytocin levels, the more you're likely to give.”

As a giver you are willing to give your time to help others whether it is giving someone a ride to work, to church or to the grocery store. Helping someone move into their new home or simply helping to babysit for parents to enjoy a date night. Giving is serving and helping without expecting anything in return. Givers are usually unselfish with a tendency and proclivity to give first and receive an inner joy from giving. “You can actually get some benefit from doing something for someone else – it gives you a sense of purpose and wellbeing,” said Associate Professor Patrick Stokes, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University.

“No More Excuses”

“I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse”

Florence Nightingale


“Ninety-Nine percent of the failures come from people, who have the habit of making excuses.”

George Washington Carver


Florence Nightingale sums it up with her quote on success “I never gave or took an excuse.” How many times have you gave an excuse to why you have not or cannot achieve your dream and goals. In an article by Sophia Davis-Fagan she states “excuses push our goals and dreams farther away from us and if we are not careful, it ultimately kills them.”  Thus, the question becomes what excuses have you given as to why, you are where you are and why you have not achieved your deepest desires and dreams. What excuse have you given yourself to easy your pain of frustration and regret.

Here are some excuses you may have provided, yet there are many others.

1.       Life happened – life happens to everyone and it’s expected that you along with many others have experienced setbacks and bad decisions that have led to difficult situations.

2.       Fear of failure – the fear of failure is a common excuse, but it’s not an adequate reason to prohibit you from forging ahead and achieving your goals. For example, if you don’t try you will never know, as the saying goes shoot for the moon and you’ll land on the stars. The key is at least make an attempt, but if you don’t try then you’ll definitely live in the land of regret and would’ve should’ve.

3.       People Factor – don’t allow what people may say or think keep you from achieving your goals or dreams. It is a given that some people may speak negative or question why you are trying to achieve a certain goal. You must not allow others’ opinion of you or what you desire cripple you from what you know you have been designed or destined to achieve.

4.       No assistance – when you start to accomplish a goal you must possess an attitude of “if it’s going to be it’s up to me.” Why, possess this mindset because if you are waiting for a particular person to assist you before you get started but for some reason that person can’t then you must keep moving forward. Your dreams are your dreams and ultimately you are responsible and you must hold yourself accountable to achieve them, so remove the excuse that you have to have a certain person to assist you. Yes, you’ll need support, but at times you will have to walk alone. In those times know that is part of the process of achieving greatness.

5.       Lack of Resources – when you commence to achieve your passion you may not possess all the capital you need but that still should not prevent you from getting started. You need to start where you can with what you have and as you grow and develop you must use your creativity and ingenuity to create capital.

In closing no one reaches the everglades of success without challenges and obstacles but rest assured that you are no different. The persons that succeed refuses give into making excuses and forfeiting their dreams. It is time now for you to rise out of the ashes of excuses and embrace the dawn of a new day and opportunity with a mindset of not giving yourself an outlet of excuses.  

“Passion Matters”

“Chase your passion, not your pension” Denis Waitley

“Do it with passion, or not at all” Unknown


“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and above all,

don’t let anyone limit your dreams.”

Donovan Bailey


Passion is the determining factor when it comes to fulfilling your purpose. If you are passionate about something or doing something then it is more than likely your purpose. Where there is no passion then there is no will or urge to achieve it. Passion is a strong inner desire for something. The passion you have for something will be so prevalent within you that you can’t get away from it. Michael Jordan loved the game of basketball. He found himself practicing and putting in the time to master his craft before or after practice. And we all know how his passion for the sport paid off.

When you are passionate here are three things to consider:

1.       You make it happen - “Some people want it to happen, some wish it could happen, others make it happen” Michael Jordan said. When you’re passionate you will put your energy and effort into mastering your craft. You will make certain that you do those things it takes to be successful regarding your passion.

2.       You have the innate ability – Your gift and skills align with your passion. You don’t struggle or find it difficult to do what you’re gifted to do. If you have a passion for teaching children it will come naturally to you. If it doesn’t come naturally then you may need to reconsider if it’s truly your passion.

3.       You reach Self-Actualization - You receive self-fulfillment when you are doing what you are most passionate about. You reach the point of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and you are motivated and fulfilled. The more you operate in your innate abilities the greater the fulfillment.

When you do what you are passionate about, it’s enjoyable because you love it. “Passion is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body and soul into something as is possible” (Forbes- Your passion matters when it comes to you achieving your dream and purpose. If you desire to reach a certain place in life, determine what you are passionate about, then if you put in the work, effort and time you will experience all that life has for you.

Passion is not some array of emotions but it is what gets you out of bed early to work on your life’s goals and dreams. Passion will take you through those difficult moments and setbacks. Finally, passion is the engine that keeps you forging ahead until achieve your life’s assignment.  

“Dream Big”

If your dreams don’t scare you they aren’t big enough” Unknown


“Dreams come in a size too big so that we may grow into them.” Josie Bisse


What happened to your dreams? What happened to the dreams you had when you were in high school or in your early adult life? Life happened to you, and you decided to put your dreams on hold. My aim is to reignite you to pick up your dream. Maybe you have not put your dream on hold, but you are too afraid to step out to pursue your dream and you are gripped by fear and doubt. Either way, your dream is waiting for you to pursue and believe that it’s possible.

Here are the five things you must do to achieve your dream.

1.       Don’t wait for permission – If you are waiting on someone to approve or give you the go ahead you have put your dreams in the power of someone else. The power to dream and pursue your dream lies deep within your spirit and soul. You must give yourself permission to pursue your dream, you know what you are capable of achieving. You know how passionate you are about your dream. When you give yourself permission to pursue your dream, you should prepare for the journey. You must consider what it will take and position yourself accordingly.

2.       Master your craft – You must master your craft by developing your skillset. Your skillset must be sharpened and fine-tuned. You have the innate ability, but you must fine tune, shape and cultivate your skills. For example, if you are an artist, you might take an art class in the evenings or online. Why? Because the class will give you greater depth of knowledge and insight. It will be added value to your gift. Then when you pursue your dream of being an artist you can be one of the best artists in the world and that will give you greater dividends. Do not under value the importance of sharpening your saw, basically fine tuning your gift. The difference between mediocre and great is mastering your craft.

3.       Take risks – Whenever you embark upon your dream you are taking a risk. You are taking a leap of faith into unfamiliar territory. Anyone that has achieved great heights in life took risks. “On October 16, 1923, Walt Disney and his brother Roy founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in Hollywood, California. The studio, now known as the Walt Disney Company, has had an oversized impact on the entertainment industry and is now one of the largest media companies in the world.” What would have happened if the Disney brothers did not take a risk? Well, today we would not enjoy the pleasure of vast entertainment of Walt Disney World. If Orpah Winfrey had not taken a risk in hosting her own daytime television show, the Orpah Winfrey show would not have reached #1 in television ratings. The key is you must take risks. Les Brown stated, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. As long as you’re dreaming something, dream big, and have a great goal, even if you fail, you may end up doing great things.”

4.        Support system – It is imperative that you have champions in your corner. Champions are those two to three supporters that believe in you and your dream. They are there supporting you throughout the entire process. They are there when you achieve your first goal towards your dream, and they are there when you experience a setback. No matter what stage you are in they are there supporting you to the finish line. They are there running beside you during the marathon race giving you a drink of water and cheering you on.

5.       Believe in you – The power of belief is a force to be reckoned with. When you have positioned yourself, overcome doubt and negative people, belief is the outcome. No one can believe in your dream for you, you first must believe in your dream. It is your belief that will carry you through the difficult and challenging moments. Your belief will carry you through moments of setbacks and losses. It will be your belief that will be the fighting spirit that will cause you to get back up and dust yourself off and forge ahead. Believe in your God given abilities and know that your dreams can become a reality.

Finally, your dreams are there for you to pursue and conqueror. If you don’t then you rob the world of your fulfillment of your purpose. The world needs you to achieve your dreams. If you are able to see it, then you can achieve it. Let nothing stop you!

“Manage Your Condition-Manage Your Health”

“Take control of your life by managing your health”

Regina D. Campbell, Ph.D.


“Take care of your health, that it may serve you to serve God”

Saint Francis de Sales


If people learn to manage their health they will learn that they are able to live a vibrant life. Many people neglect their health by inappropriately addressing or managing their health conditions.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC),  “Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar (also called glucose) and released into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to release insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let the blood sugar into your body’s cells for use as energy.”

There several types of Diabetes:

Article written by CDC:

Type 1 Diabetes - Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction (the body attacks itself by mistake) that stops your body from making insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes - With type 2 diabetes, your body doesn’t use insulin well and can’t keep blood sugar at normal levels. About 90-95% of people with diabetes have type 2. It develops over many years and is usually diagnosed in adults (but more and more in children, teens, and young adults).

Gestational Diabetes - Gestational diabetes develops in pregnant women who have never had diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, your baby could be at higher risk for health problems.


Those that have diabetes or have a family history of diabetes should continue to work closely with their physician. Most importantly they must properly manage their health by eating healthy and exercising. Properly managing health conditions are vital to health management. Many people lack proper management of their conditions thus worsening their condition; therefore, when people take control of managing their health they are taking control of their life! Here’s to good health management!

“A Winning Attitude”

“Winning is all in the attitude”

Denis Waitley


“Two things you are in control of in life your attitude and effort”

Author Unknown



The difference between a good or bad day is a person’s attitude. Yes, there will be days when people face difficult situations, challenges and setbacks but these things must not determine your attitude. People can still possess a positive attitude during challenging moments. According to an article written by Swetha Amaresan “having a positive attitude means being optimistic about situations, interactions, and yourself. People with positive attitudes remain hopeful and see the best even in difficult situations.” The question becomes how can a person be optimistic in every situation and interaction.

Elements of a winning attitude are:

1.       Intentional: A winning attitude is determined by you and nothing or no one can determine that for you. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your attitude and outlook on a situation. You decide your attitude, despite what has been stated in the past – your situation does not dictate your attitude. Possessing a winning attitude is determined by you.

2.       Look for the Rainbow: A winning attitude is embracing a difficult situation while seeing the rainbow through the clouds of the situation. You find the good in the situation and you lean into that good (rainbow). For example, you may have to take care of a loved one but the rainbow is that you have the ability to provide care, you have been positioned by God to care and support your loved one. Another example -- you may have lost your job, but maybe it’s time to start your own business or go back to school.

3.       Hopeful: A winning attitude is being hopeful. It is looking to your future through the lens of optimism. It is having an expectation of a better and brighter future despite what you may be encountering or will encounter.

Finally, a winning attitude gives a person an aura that is contagious and uplifting for themselves and those around him/her. People are not to live a life of doubt, fear, and possessing a negative attitude. But people must turn their life into one of faith, positivity and possessing a winning attitude and they will be surprise how life will give back to them what they give out.