"Find Solitude"

“It is in lonely solitude that God delivers His best thoughts, and the mind needs to

be still and quiet to receive them.”

Charles R. Swindoll


And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

Mark 6:31 (ESV)


It is imperative that with all of your responsibilities and the hassle of society that you find time for solitude. “Solitude is a powerful spiritual discipline that is often overlooked by many Christians - adults and teens alike. Between the multitude of church activities, school, and even social networking, taking time out to be by ourselves with the Lord is often one aspect of our faith we put into practice far less frequently than we should” Kellie Hahoney.

Solitude is imperative for you to spend essential time with God. It is the opportunity to be strengthened, encouraged and restored. To find solitude is like half-time of an athletic or sporting event, which allows the coach to time to level set and provide the team with strategies on what needs to be done to continue to excel in their performance or what’s needed to make the necessary adjustments to improve their performance. The key is to hear from the coach.

In addition, what makes solitude so needed in today’s society is when you abandon any noise or distractions such as the TV, cellphone, electronic devices and yes, even people. A good time is early in the morning when there is peace in your home or neighborhood when you can get in a place of stillness and quietness. God desires for you to step aside and spend solitude time with Him to hear His divine instructions. You may say you are too busy and you don’t have the time but I assure you this opportunity is a life changer.

Solitude has enormous benefits. According to Psalm 63, David speaks of seeking God as he longs and thirsts for him. These passages inform the reader how David longed to be in God’s presence. Psalm 42 is a metaphor of a deer panty after the water brook meaning when a person has an immense desire to seek God and be in His presence. When you lack solitude you are positioning yourself to deplete your spiritual muscles and you are more prone to live according to your humanity and not from a spiritual perspective.

The time of solitude refreshes you and positions you to hear from God. When you are in a position to hear from God then you are more likely to make decisions according to God’s guidance. If you don’t seek solitude, then you are more like to be guided by your own will and desires.

Solitude strengthens your intimate relationship and walk with God. You receive God’s comfort, peace and spirit that will engulf you as you go through your day. Most of all solitude is a spiritual discipline that each believer needs to exercise!!!