"The God of Comfort"

 “The greatest comfort in times of hurt and pain, is to know that God cares, and his grace will see you through your darkest moments.”

Regina D. Campbell, Ph.D.


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (NIV)


As I pen this blog my heart is heavy as our country has experienced recent back-to-back mass shootings. Lives were cut short and ended for no apparent reason. Yet, I am encouraged to know that God is a comforter when you are facing personal times of hurt and pain. There is one thing I know in this life and that is at some point you will experience heartache and hurt. It is in those times you must draw from your faith and your support system. Your faith keeps you going from day-to-day.

God will comfort you when you’re dealing with the unimaginable. The unimaginable is that unexpected moment or situation that you though would never happen to you. You may wonder why and how it happened. That’s just human nature because the mind tries to calculate, through reasoning, to get an understanding so the heart can be comforted.

Sometimes, you may face situations that your mind will not be able reason and bring a sense of comprehension to what your heart is feeling. During those times, your faith in God will bring you a sense of peace and comfort as you move through that period in your life. Most importantly, your faith will activate the grace of God that will enable and strengthen you to weather the darkest moments of your life. Psalm 46:1 states “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Your faith in God will strengthen you during your most difficult moments.

During your unbearable and unimaginable moments, you must surround yourself with your support system. Your support system could be a combination of family and close knitted friends. It is these relationships that can aide you through the process. Your support system is there to give you that human touch and visible love and care you need.

You must not face your difficult moments alone. You need a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. You need a listening ear that will give you a safe place to be vulnerable and express your deepest pain and hurt. You don’t have to pretend you are strong and unmoved by life’s calamities and misfortunes. You must lean into your faith and your support system during your darkest moments. When you lean in God will uphold and keep you as he is the God of all comfort.   

“The Virtuous Woman”

“A Virtuous Woman, is a vessel of love that’s pouring out grace both in and outside of the home.”

Darlene Schacht

 “She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.”

Proverbs 31: 25-26



"Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies" (Prov. 31:10, KJV). Proverbs 31 is a beautiful depiction of what it means to be a virtuous woman.

First a virtuous woman, has an intimate relationship with God. She loves and adores God. She rises early to seek God for her well-being, her career, her family and her friend. She is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. (Romans) Her faith is on display daily as her faith is the moral compass that guides and directs her. She is a true disciple of Christ as she allows His spirit to infiltrate her mind, body and spirit.

She desires a closer walk with God. She constantly seeks God in all she does. She possesses the fruit of the spirit in her interactions with others. God is her chief companion and friend. She understands she can do nothing of her own accord or doing but with God’s grace she can conquer life’s challenges that comes her way. She has an immense deep and profound love for God. She has come to realize that God’s love for her is unconditional and matchless. Most importantly, her reverence for God is her highest regards for Him and that nothing compares or competes.

Second, a virtuous woman is clothed with strength and honor. She has come to lean on God for his everlasting strength and power. She understands that whatever life throws her way, God’s strength will sustain and keep her. She knows too well that in her weakness she is strong. She doesn’t try to hide the fact that she needs the aide and help of God’s strength. A virtuous woman doesn’t try to pretend that she is strong and openly admits her dependence upon God’s strength. She lives Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Third, a virtuous woman has matured to understand that true beauty comes from within. She no longer looks to her outer adornment for self-validation but focuses instead on the inner beauty of her heart. She first becomes comfortable with her (body type or size) physique. She doesn’t speak negatively about herself, but embraces her personality traits. When a woman grows to this level she can truly thrive in her virtue to become one who pours out of inner heart the virtues of love, joy, and peace as she finds security in God! While she cares for herself outwardly through a healthy life style, her self-value and worth comes from within. Her inward adornment is as stated in 1 Peter 3:4 – “a meek and gentle spirit.”

"He is Risen"


 “Death could not hold him. Rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

 “Come seeking to know Him, and I promise you will find Him and see Him in His true character as the risen, redeeming Savior of the world”

Alexander B. Morrison  

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay."

Matthew 28: 6

For so many, Easter is a time for the traditional Easter Egg hunt, a time when little boys and girls were given an Easter speech to recite during the Easter play. For the Easter programs, children are dressed in uncomfortable clothes and long for the day to end to be released from wearing the laced ruffled dresses and, for little boys, the bow ties and full armored dress suits.

More importantly, after the worship service there is always a good meal to finish off the day. It is an amazing time of the year when many seem to focus on the purpose of Christ’s entry into a dark and bleak world. A world that was daunted with hopelessness and despair.

It is because of the state of the world and the hopelessness that mankind faced that God developed a strategy and plan to bring humankind back into fellowship with Him. Because Jesus Christ mitigated the penalty of sin, Easter is celebrated to commemorate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection is one of the important aspects that makes Easter of significant value to mankind.

The resurrection (He is Risen) conveys a message of:

a.       Hope

b.       Life’s pain and struggles are temporary

c.       Triumph over Death (Victory)


Hope – The resurrection gives you hope! No matter what it looks like in your life. No matter what is going on in the world, there is still a reason to hope.

Hope fuels your faith to keep going in spite of what is happening around you. Things in your life may appear to be dead or over, but you should believe in God for the impossible. For with God all things are possible.

Hope is the audacity to still believe in God’s omnipotent power and His sovereignty. You must hope when there is no evidence to hope. Hope is the substratum for your faith. Faith is built upon your hope.

Today you may be experiencing a broken heart, loss of employment, illness, economic discourse, and other ailments; through all of what you are experiencing God is the author of your hope. You can be certain in your hope because of the resurrection that indicates the same power the raise Jesus can raise you out of your destitute situation.

Life’s pain and struggles are temporary - As you look at Jesus’ life and the events of the crucifixion, the agony and pain give way to time and opportunity. Every battle, trial, defeat, or heartache has a timetable, and the resurrection informs you that life’s pains and struggle sare temporary.

Lance Armstrong once stated “Pain is temporary and quitting is forever.” For the past two years, people all over the world have experienced enormous pain and suffering. Despite how horrific and painstaking that time has been, you can hold to the belief that this too will and shall pass.

Your current pain is for a season. Your life is like the four seasons in that winter, spring, summer and fall happen yearly. You may be in a winter season filled with hurt, burdens, and trials but be encouraged because Jesus Christ conquered the cross, death and the grave --  your winter season will change.

Triumph – Triumph is inevitable with Christ. The resurrection teaches victory over death, the grave and the power of the enemy. Whatever is holding you back, you can win the victory through Christ. Nothing can stop you from being the best version of yourself; nothing in your past or present can stop you. Nothing can stop your dreams and purpose from being fulfilled thus trust God’s unfailing providence in your life. You may not be where you desire to be but rest assured you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus which strengthens you.

In addition, the resurrection points to the fact that Jesus Christ arose from a guarded grave. As stated in Mark 8:31 , “He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.” This caused the Chief Priests and the Pharisees to be alarmed and place guards at the tomb of Jesus. Yet Jesus arose and left an empty tomb after three days and nights. Jesus’ resurrection points to the fact that you too can rise out of any situation. The same supernatural power that brought Him out of the grave will raise you up out of every situation you find yourself in. You will win!

The resurrection season reminds us to be hopeful when there is no evidence that supports you being hopeful. Life’s pains and struggles are only for a season and, you will triumph over everything that tries to hinder or prohibit you from living your God ordained purpose in this life. He is Risen, so you must rise!

"Find Solitude"

“It is in lonely solitude that God delivers His best thoughts, and the mind needs to

be still and quiet to receive them.”

Charles R. Swindoll


And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

Mark 6:31 (ESV)


It is imperative that with all of your responsibilities and the hassle of society that you find time for solitude. “Solitude is a powerful spiritual discipline that is often overlooked by many Christians - adults and teens alike. Between the multitude of church activities, school, and even social networking, taking time out to be by ourselves with the Lord is often one aspect of our faith we put into practice far less frequently than we should” Kellie Hahoney.

Solitude is imperative for you to spend essential time with God. It is the opportunity to be strengthened, encouraged and restored. To find solitude is like half-time of an athletic or sporting event, which allows the coach to time to level set and provide the team with strategies on what needs to be done to continue to excel in their performance or what’s needed to make the necessary adjustments to improve their performance. The key is to hear from the coach.

In addition, what makes solitude so needed in today’s society is when you abandon any noise or distractions such as the TV, cellphone, electronic devices and yes, even people. A good time is early in the morning when there is peace in your home or neighborhood when you can get in a place of stillness and quietness. God desires for you to step aside and spend solitude time with Him to hear His divine instructions. You may say you are too busy and you don’t have the time but I assure you this opportunity is a life changer.

Solitude has enormous benefits. According to Psalm 63, David speaks of seeking God as he longs and thirsts for him. These passages inform the reader how David longed to be in God’s presence. Psalm 42 is a metaphor of a deer panty after the water brook meaning when a person has an immense desire to seek God and be in His presence. When you lack solitude you are positioning yourself to deplete your spiritual muscles and you are more prone to live according to your humanity and not from a spiritual perspective.

The time of solitude refreshes you and positions you to hear from God. When you are in a position to hear from God then you are more likely to make decisions according to God’s guidance. If you don’t seek solitude, then you are more like to be guided by your own will and desires.

Solitude strengthens your intimate relationship and walk with God. You receive God’s comfort, peace and spirit that will engulf you as you go through your day. Most of all solitude is a spiritual discipline that each believer needs to exercise!!!    

 “What’s Love Got to Do With it”

“God’s love is so extravagant and so inexplicable that he loved us before we were us.”

Judah Smith


“God is love. He pursues us with that love.”

Jeanette Duby


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us

 Romans 5:8 (NIV)


February is the month of love. Many will celebrate love for each other. The greatest love is God’s love for you. God demonstrated his love for you when His son Jesus took on the encumbrance of your immorality.

God’s love is what defined as agape love. The Greek work agapē, in the New Testament, means the fatherly love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God. It is this type of love that God desires for us to have for others. “Christian Agape love is about loving others because they are children of God like us even if we don't like them.” This means we love a person despite his or her flaws or shortcomings.”

You and I must learn to love people where they are in life. It’s not love because a person does everything we hoped or desire of him or her. Genuine love is loving beyond a person’s inadequacies. Everyone has virtues of goodness and some deficiencies within them. It is imperative that you apply Provers 10:12 …” but love covers all offenses.” God’s love covers your frailties, and you will never do anything to change God’s love and care for you! True love is loving that friend, spouse, son, or daughter despite his or her shortfalls.

When it comes to relationships, love has everything to do with it. When it comes to your salvation and life, God’s love for you is the one determining factor assuring you of your purpose and place in life. If no one else cares and loves you, you know that God loves you immeasurable. His love for you has everything to do with your existence, your purpose, and your eternal destination. Raise your head and walk in your calling knowing that God loves you with an unconditional love.

A New Perspective


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19


“You cannot change the past but you can always change your perspective.”

Author Unknown


“It doesn’t matter if the glass is half empty or half full…

be grateful that you have a glass and there is something in it…”

Author Unknown


One day I was informed by my Ophthalmologist that surgery was required immediately to remove cataracts. Once I completed the entire process it was amazing that I regained my 20/20 vision. This lesson taught me that I was seeing -- but not completely. As a result of the surgery I saw things differently.

Perspective is defined as one’s view or attitude toward something or someone. Each year in Times Square the crystal ball drops at 12:00 midnight indicating a new year is upon us and all around the world people celebrate into the wee hours of the morning. The night is full of optimism and joy! With such optimism comes new year’s resolutions and goals yet to fall by the wayside as time goes on.

The first important step is to change your perspective. If you desire to live a healthy life, then you must change how you view your health and that change of perspective is the catalyst to living a healthy life. For example, a young man at the age of forty-two had a heart attack and was advised by his doctor that he must change his attitude first toward his heart before he can change his eating regime. If you change the eating regime without a changed perspective, then it will be an exercise in futility.

Secondly, changing your perspective is necessary when it comes to situations in your life that will be the same after the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve. If you have to continue to work a job that you don’t like until something you prefer comes along, then a change of perspective is paramount. For instance, changing your attitude to gratitude is an opportunity. Start with being thankful each day you are employed and the income received is a blessing. Oprah Winfrey once stated “gratitude is the door to blessings.” If you are in a situation that will not change such as being a caretaker for a loved one, this is a great opportunity not to complain but to change your perspective in how grateful you are to have the opportunity to care for that person.

Numbers 13:17-33 states that there were 12 spies that found the promised land. Ten of the spies provided a report that the promised land is impossible to acquire because of the obstacles that were present. However, two of the spies on the contrary possessed a different attitude (perspective) in they saw opportunities to acquire the land and gain victory over the obstacles (enemies). Therefore, whether you are trying to change a behavior that has haunted you for years, facing a situation that will not or hasn’t changed, or you are facing an undaunted obstacle -- it starts with acquiring a New Perspective!!!!


The Gift of Hope

“The greatest Christmas gift ever given wasn’t placed under the tree, He was placed on the Tree and His name is Jesus” Author Unknown


Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. (NJKV)


Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (NKJV)


The words in Isaiah were a prophecy of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ’s birth symbolizes HOPE for the generation of Judah that was going through a difficult period. Likewise, today, we have been experiencing an unprecedented Pandemic.

The prophecy of Jesus’ birth is still relevant today as it was then. The Birth of Jesus brought Hope to a generation of people living in uncertain times. We too are living in uncertain times. Therefore, Jesus’ birth is what I consider “The Birth of Hope” which serves as an antidote for today’s perilous times. Jesus Christ gives Hope that fuels our Faith to remain steadfast and unwavering in our Hope.

“The Birth of Hope” entails three things:

  1. Your hope must be built upon the promises of God. It is imperative that the word of God becomes your compass to navigate through these difficult seasons. More importantly, your hope should be rooted and grounded upon the promises of God. When your Hope is built upon anything outside of the word of God you will find yourself becoming anxious, feeling unfilled and void of a life that is anchored in God. God’s word gives you a sense of certainty during uncertainty times.

  2. Hope is the substratum of your faith. Your faith stands and uses your Hope as a foundation. Your faith draws from your Hope, providing you with a sense of confidence in God’s ability. Faith is the full assurance that what you desire according to His word will come to pass. Consequently, Jesus’ birth gives you the Hope and the assurance that He will make all things possible according to His word.

  3. Hope is Immanuel. Immanuel means God with us and as you come into this Holiday season remember that God is with you and for you. This is the ultimate reason to celebrate the birth of Christ, as it gives comfort and peace knowing that whatever we encounter in this life Immanuel is with us. Therefore, we live a life of hope knowing that Immanuel (God) is with us through all of life’s situations. You do not have to do life on your own!

In closing, as we face another Holiday in the midst of a Pandemic my desire for you is to focus on celebrating “The Gift of Hope” in the birth of Jesus. His birth came to give you comfort, peace, joy and most of all Hope! Happy Holidays!

The Power of Resilience

“Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.” Mary Holloway.

Resilience is the ability to persevere and tolerate the most idiomatic of times you face.  Resilience is not how strong you are but possessing a strong will and grit to endure as you navigate the terrain of life. It’s about having the willingness to own your situation and not allow your situation to own you. You may not feel as if you will overcome or survive tumults quandary. On the contrary you will as long as you do not yield to the pressure of throwing in the towel and giving up your hope. You must possess a faith in a source greater than your feeble strength. No one is exempted from life’s prevailing problems, setbacks, and perplexing battles. Being resilient is learning from life’s adversities and misfortunes. Life’s dilemma’s is like to a university in which you must learn lessons that will strengthen and embody your inner faith. Tools that will fuel you to keep pressing and moving towards your dreams and purpose of living the highest version of yourself. In closing resilience is the ability to hold on to your faith while facing and encountering whatever life throws your way. 

By Dr. Regina Campbell