“Take a Walk”

“There is no habit you will value so much as that of walking far without fatigue.”  Thomas Jefferson

                         “The longest journey begins with a single step.” Pantanjali

                         “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Henry David Thoreau

As we approach the spring season it is time to get out doors and get some fresh air by taking a walk. Find a local safe park or place and take the family out for a walk. Walking is an exercise where you don’t need a gym membership or weights -- you just need to make the time.

Walking allows you to get some fresh air, clear your mind and build your endurance and stamina. Walking has several health benefits that you may want to consider. According to an article written by Jane Chertoff and published on Healthline.com there are 10 benefits of walking. To gain greater insight on each benefit you can read the article in its entirety at www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-walking#burn-calories

The Ten Benefits of Walking:

1.       Burn Calories

2.       Strengthens Heart

3.       Lowers blood sugar

4.       Eases joint pain

5.       Boosts immune function

6.       Boosts your energy

7.       Improves your mood

8.       Extends your life

9.       Tones your legs

10.   Increases creative thinking

If you find that exercising is not something you prefer or particularly enjoy, try walking with a friend or loved one. You can spend quality time while exercising. Also, this positions you not to think about how long you have walking but rather enjoying quality time with the one you love. Try starting a walking club or group to join you.

You will be surprised how your body will positivity respond and adjust to walking. You can start out walking 30 minutes three times a week and you’ll start to experience the difference in how your mind and body adapts. The key is to get started and not fall into the trap of excuses that you don’t have the time.

You have time for what you make time for. Make time for your health you owe it to yourself. When you commit to walking, keep walking and let nothing stop you!